Priorities and Planning
Priorities and Planning
Each of our priority areas, which are detailed in our Business Plan, are monitored to determine our effectiveness and have been negotiated through our school board. These areas we Inspire to Grow in are:
Health and Wellbeing
Excellence in Leadership
High Quality Teaching and Learning
Being a Culturally Responsive School
Community Partnerships
Yanchep Beach PS has successfully begun the process of introducing teaching strategies and philosophies that address the context of WA schools, the local community and the demands of the Australian Curriculum. These include:
Sounds Write
Talk for Writing
Talk for Reading/ Reading Science
Spelling Mastery
Conceptual understanding in mathematics
Primary Connections in Science
Indigenous Language (Noongar)
Positive Behaviour in Schools
An Apple technology learning platform
Ongoing professional learning to develop individual staff and the overall capacity of YBPS
Whole school Mental Health and Wellbeing Framework
Whole school assessment using AITSL Standards and the School Improvement Tool.

Our Business Plan
Download our business plan (pdf file) by clicking on the image on the left.