Annual Reports
YBPS Annual Reports
You can find our school's yearly Annual Reports below.
All schools are required to submit an annual report. They summarise the services, achievements and operational activities for the calendar year.
2022 Annual Report
Click the image to open the report. (To be uploaded shortly).
2021 Annual Report
Click the image to open the report. (To be uploaded shortly).
2020 Annual Report
While 2020 was a year like no other, with COVID-19 bringing some restrictions and uncertainty, learning continued face to face and from home. This was facilitated through the provision of learning from home packs and stationery, and the use of online platforms. We have continued to make decisions that align with the school’s new business plan and Department of Education priorities. Specifically, we have focused on a range of whole school curriculum and instructional strategies designed to improve student achievement and engagement as well as programs and key messaging to build our students social and emotional skills. I would like to sincerely thank the wonderful staff here at YBPS for their work throughout the year. They have risen to the many challenges 2020 presented remaining committed in their endeavor to provide the best learning opportunities for all students.
Click the image to open the report.
2019 Annual Report
Click the image to open the report. (To be uploaded shortly).
2018 Annual Report
Welcome to the 2018 Annual Report. Staff have completed a thorough review of both academic and non-academic data collected from the results of standardised tests, teacher judgements and student, parent and staff surveys. The results of the data indicate the school is making sound progress in all areas of the curriculum.
Click the image to open the report.
2017 Annual Report
The YBPS Annual Report 2017 reflects on the progress that has been made towards the recommendations from the Independent Public School review (November 2016) as well as providing an account of student achievement and progress, the learning environment, quality of staff, relationships and partnerships.
Click the image to open the report.
2016 Annual Report
The YBPS Annual Report 2016 illustrates the growth of the school and celebrates the Independent Public School review findings from November 2016. The emergence of the school’s successful literacy approaches in early childhood and the ongoing success of the Talk for Writing whole school literacy approach coupled with improvements in digital technologies, science and numeracy are clearly explained in the report.
Click the image to open the report.
2015 Annual Report
2015 was an opportunity for initiating programs to move to a consolidation phase. Consequently school-owned data also emerged allowing us to look forward to the opportunity of gathering comparative data of increasing value in our third year and present this to our Independent Public School Review. Programs which delivered strong academic performance growth included Talk for Writing, Letters and Sounds, ICT integration, FiSH, Visual Arts, Physical Education Numeracy through First Steps and Primary Connections. Our specialist program in Music was also initiated across K-6. Further details of these programs and their results are explained further in this Annual Report.
Click the image to open the report.
2014 Annual Report
Our foundation year annual report highlights our achievements and events as well as the expected student performance data. It is worth keeping in mind the foundation annual report does not benefit from substantial comparative data or analysis. Our YBPS students arrived from around a dozen different educational facilities bringing with them many different understandings and perspectives of schools and achievement levels.
Click the image to open the report.