School Review

ESAT Review 2021

In 2021, the principal submitted a comprehensive and rigorous school self-assessment.

The following aspects of the school’s self-assessment process are confirmed:

• Soundly analysed sets of evidence were used collaboratively by staff to honestly reflect on school performance and formulate improvement plans.

• Staff demonstrate a clear understanding of the conditions determining student performance and worked within effective distributed leadership structures to describe a narrative within the Electronic School Assessment Tool (ESAT).

• The focus created for the Business Plan 2022-2024 has been data driven, consultative and owned by all staff.

• Reflections gathered during the validation visit, from a range of students, staff, parents and community members, demonstrated strong support of the schools’ processes and value to its community.

Click the image to read the full report.

Yanchep Beach Primary School Public School Review report November 2021.pdf

Public School Review - April 2018

In Term One of 2018 Yanchep Beach PS was invited to participate in the development of a new process to review all Public Schools across WA as a priority from the Minister for Education, Hon. Sue Ellery. Not only was the trial a success but so was the review teams assessment of YBPS, which stated:

"The school is providing a highly effective learning program resulting in very good student achievement and progress. The high quality of leadership and teaching required to enable effective instructional practices, a positive learning environment and engaging relationships is embedded."

Click the image to read the full report.


Independent Review Findings - 2016

In Term Four of 2016, a team of independent reviewers from the Department of Education Services reviewed all aspects of Yanchep Beach Primary School’s operations. Their conclusion was as follows:

"The school leadership, board, staff and school community have set high standards and high expectations of teaching, learning, respectful relationships and productive, flexible learning environments during the establishment phase of the school. Despite challenges presented by rapid growth, a strong culture of care, mutual respect and collaboration has been developed.

Strong leadership and capable staff, together with whole-school approaches to curriculum delivery, have begun to show improved student achievement and growth.

The staff endeavour to respond to the community, supported and encouraged by an increasingly active parent body, engaged board and collaborative and enthusiastic colleagues.

As the school moves forward, the board, school leadership and staff are united, enthusiastic and committed to establishing a very effective school. This reflects the school community’s desire to provide a safe, supportive and inclusive teaching and learning environment for children and staff."

Click the image to read the full report.

IPS Review Findings YBPS.pdf