Our Principal's Message
A message from our Principal
Andrew Crosby
Yanchep Beach Primary School opened as an Independent Public School in 2014 to 319 students. In it’s tenth year of operation we welcome 620 children through our doors. While a relatively new school, YBPS has gained an enviable reputation for our highly professional and supportive culture. At Yanchep Beach Primary School we understand the importance of every child having a strong sense of belonging, and feeling safe and valued.
Our learning programs are based upon what research clearly states works in our context and our staff collectively commit to implementing these programs with minimal variance across classrooms. This allows our students to engage in highly predictable routines and processes as they move into new year levels. We closely monitor our students progress and adjust our programs accordingly. In the Literacy realm, our students engage in a daily Literacy block which involves all facets of the English Curriculum. Our staff are trained in Talk for Writing and Reading, Sounds Write, Spelling Mastery, Heggerty and have a deep knowledge of The Science of Reading to ensure our students gain necessary foundational literacy components. Our Mathematics approach is based on a conceptual understanding of mathematics. Students find this approach highly engaging and are taught through concepts and building upon their prior knowledge and understanding. Science, Music, Visual Arts, Physical Education and Aboriginal Languages deliver a rich and broad spectrum of specialist support for the ‘whole child’ approaches of our school. Integrated technology is evident across the school to help prepare our learners for the future and is supported within our Apple technology environment.
As valued tenants within the local community we deliver and support a range of programs and initiatives beyond class time developed to address the varied interests of our growing learners and for the benefit of our ‘student first’ approach.
I hope the website provides you with what you are seeking, and we hope to meet you soon.
Andrew Crosby
e: andrew.crosby@education.wa.edu.au